These photographs are the recollection of a journey – lasted three years – with the Slovak firefighters and the Slovak volunteer firefighters. They are taken at fire and accident calls, trainings, public drills, competitions and at the fire stations. The book wants to honor the firefighters, their enthusiasm, commitment and abnegation to rescue our properties, to protect our communities, to save our lives and the ones of our children and the loved ones, all in spite of the great danger they face every time they answer a call.
Pages: 220
Book Dimensions: 29,9 x 21,7 x 2,3 cm
Weight: 1 400 g
Language: slovak, english
Book Cover: hard cover
ISBN: 978-80-970944-8-5
Edition: december 2013
Printed in Slovakia Tlačiareň Kežmarok GG s.r.o.